Whether it's fighting climate change, investing in education or strengthening our healthcare system to serve all Maine people—I will be your advocate in Augusta.


On the Environment:

Protecting our natural resources from the threat of climate change, for future generations of Maine people; I believe climate change is a fundamental threat to us all, and that we have not only an ethical responsibility for protecting our environment, but that these measures have the capacity to drive healthcare equity and economic prosperity for our future generations.

  • We need a dedicated, collaborative effort to ensure climate change does no additional harm to Scarborough’s gorgeous beaches, marches, and rivers. Threats like sea level rise and warming oceans impact coastal districts like ours disproportionately. The consequences extend to our economic prosperity, quality of life and public health. 

  • I believe in making strong investments into renewable energy initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, ensuring our economic security and protecting our natural resources for future generations of Maine people.


Working to strengthen our healthcare system so that no Maine person goes without the medical care they need; Healthcare that is available and affordable to everyone touches each human being in Maine. Every day, families are having to make devastating choices. They chose between paying the high costs demanded by the medical industry and insurance companies, or go without the healthcare they need - risking lost work and an increase in emergency healthcare services down the line. Compounding this harm, rural hospitals are going out of business and health care providers are leaving the state.

  • Our healthcare system isn’t working for the people of our state. We deserve reforms which strengthen our public health and economic security- making the choice between paying now and paying at some point down the road, unnecessary.

  • It is my belief that health care is a human right and no Mainer should be without coverage. Lowering healthcare costs and improving the quality of that care are priorities of mine in running to represent you in the Maine House.


Investments in education excellence will drive our future. Delivering and promoting job re-training programs, incentives for our young people to become educated and work in Maine, partnerships with local businesses and agencies for educating our children for the needs of our state and our future. 


Maine has been declared “the oldest state in the nation.”  Our government should be working better for our aging population, and there are many steps we can and should take. In addition to affordable healthcare, we should become much more proactive in supporting initiatives for this population, including; property tax reform, public, quality of life initiatives at the municipal level, and statewide investment to increase the access and quality of our outdoor public spaces. 


I believe that the best policies result from careful listening to constituents, cross-aisle collaboration, and empathy. I want to foster an environment of civility, collaboration, and empowerment among all people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. It starts with a culture, set by representatives who lead with humility, collaboration and compassion. This is about what I want to see from our Maine Legislature, but it’s also about what I bring to the table.

I believe strongly that leaders must take on the responsibility of meeting people where they are, and leaving no one behind in the process of building strong communities. These are the basic principles of community organizing I have followed for 10 years. I will have consistent communication with my constituents–in-person, through electronic communication and social media. To make democracy workable and widely popular, we need more civility in our discourse, but it cannot end there. And it’s on our leaders in Augusta to make this change their priority.